With a non-invasive procedure that does not require engine disassembly, Halotec maintenance oil can remove deposits and rebuild damaged metal surfaces caused by prolonged friction. Customers can immediately feel the difference in their vehicle’s performance.

Common issues with older vehicles include loud engine noises and noticeable vibrations, especially noticeable in diesel engines when idling. The engine also emits an unusual amount of heat when opening the hood, and the RPM gauge shows a high reading compared to when the vehicle was new.

Other signs of engine wear include sluggish acceleration, excessive smoke from the exhaust, and rough idling. These symptoms indicate that the engine has deteriorated over time.

During long periods of operation, the metal components inside the combustion chamber, such as the piston, cylinder, piston rings, and valve stem, are subject to surface erosion caused by continuous and prolonged friction. Additionally, carbon deposits from the combustion process accumulate on these metal surfaces, creating a layer that hinders the movement of the engine parts and causes issues such as sluggish performance, overheating, excessive smoke, and uneven power output.

This wear and build-up are natural and unavoidable during engine operation, even with regular maintenance. Failing to address these issues in a timely manner can lead to reduced engine lifespan and costly repairs. Moreover, the vehicle will consume more fuel while emitting higher emissions, negatively impacting the environment.

Traditionally, manual engine disassembly and reassembly were necessary to reverse this wear and tear. However, on the market today, there are alternative methods such as sandblasting (or the less effective method of using cat litter). These methods only remove the carbon deposits and dirt from the engine’s internal surfaces but do not reverse the long-term wear caused by friction. Until now, the only way to address this issue effectively was to disassemble and rebuild the engine.

Halotec maintenance oil is a valuable solution to this problem. It is a product invented by French scientists, patented, and exclusively produced and distributed by Phuong Hai Long Company. The product has been on the market for over 20 years and is available in many international markets.

Chemically, Halotec maintenance oil contains alkali compounds, including lubricating oil and chromium and rare earth metal ions. These compounds react and function when the engine generates friction and heat. As a result, Halotec maintenance oil can be used in all types of internal combustion engines, including motorcycles, cars, trains, ships, and excavators.

The oil’s functioning mechanism involves the alkali compounds dissolving the carbon deposits, metal debris, and soot accumulated on the engine’s internal metal surfaces. These contaminants are expelled through the exhaust system along with the used engine oil when it is replaced. Simultaneously, the chromium deposits in the Halotec oil adhere to the metal surfaces, creating a thin chromium layer that restores the worn areas, making the engine’s surfaces clean, sealed, and smooth once again.

As a result, Halotec maintenance oil offers numerous benefits, including restoring worn engines by sealing the piston and cylinder, thus improving engine efficiency. It also reduces emissions and protects the environment. Users will experience fuel savings of up to 10% and reduce repair costs while extending the engine’s lifespan. Additionally, it reduces engine noise and vibrations, providing a comfortable driving experience.

However, it is important to note that Halotec maintenance oil can rebuild worn surfaces up to 25 microns. If the oil is not drained in time, the continuous maintenance process may exceed the engine’s tolerance, creating reverse friction, overheating, increased fuel consumption, decreased engine lifespan, and even engine seizing.

To validate the effectiveness of Halotec maintenance oil, a Honda Civic over 10 years old was used for testing. The car owner strictly followed the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines. However, engine wear and tear were inevitable.

Using an endoscopic camera, it was clearly visible that the internal parts of all four cylinders were covered in a thick layer of black carbon deposits. Furthermore, when testing the engine’s power output by measuring the cylinder pressure, the results showed significant variations among the four cylinders. Specifically, the readings for cylinders 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 12.8, 12.5, 13.5, and 12.8 kg/cm2, respectively.

The car then underwent treatment with Halotec maintenance oil using two methods: pouring directly into the oil chamber (alongside the existing oil) and mixing a small amount with the fuel before adding it to the gas tank. After running the engine smoothly for a period, the old oil was drained, and new oil was added. The engine underwent the same tests as before to validate the results.

The endoscopic camera inspection showed significant changes in the combustion chambers. The black carbon deposits were removed, leaving a white-gray color on the metal surfaces. A thin layer of pink material, similar to the residue on spark plugs, appeared on the top of the piston. According to the technician, this pink-red layer is the remaining fuel residue from the combustion process.

For gasoline engines, this pink layer is present. However, for diesel engines, the presence of fuel additives in the fuel oil provides sufficient lubrication for precise combustion, preventing the occurrence of the pink layer mentioned above.

Subsequently, by measuring the cylinder pressure, all four cylinders of the Honda Civic now demonstrated consistent power output, with each cylinder measuring approximately 14 kg/cm2. This proves that Halotec maintenance oil directly influences and enhances the engine’s performance.

In conclusion, Halotec maintenance oil truly offers an effective, simple, and useful solution to engine restoration. It saves costs, time, and effort for both vehicle owners and technicians. Additionally, the product contributes significantly to environmental protection by optimizing engine performance and reducing exhaust emissions.

It is important to note that Halotec maintenance oil only affects the engine’s internal friction surfaces, while other components, such as the intake and exhaust systems, still require regular maintenance and care to ensure optimal engine performance.