The Enigmatic Cadillac on the Side of the Road Set to be Moved in 25 Years

"People who complain about it and want it to leave just because of a parking space can be swept away from this place," an anonymous resident shared on the New York Daily News.

An abandoned Cadillac on the sidewalk for 25 years is about to be removed - Photo 1.

In New York, spring to autumn comes as an inevitable impermanence, only an old dusty Cadillac, rusting and still standing on Brooklyn street. According to the New York Daily News, the 1970 Caddy limousine has been abandoned here since 1994, left behind by its elderly owner who was critically ill.

Since then, the Cadillac has become an icon in the area, regularly visited by tourists. Interestingly enough, the car even received a brand-new quality certification sticker from the authorities before a frustrated resident, perhaps annoyed by this “icon” taking up a hard-to-find parking spot in New York, filed a complaint.

An abandoned Cadillac on the sidewalk for 25 years is about to be removed - Photo 2.

Inside the cramped car with old belongings.

Without finding any valid reason, the local authorities were forced to tow the car from its resting spot after 25 years. This move has caused discontent among many local residents.

“The car is like an icon of the community here. Those who complain about it and want it gone just for a parking spot can pack up and leave”, an anonymous person shared with the New York Daily News.

Reference: New York Daily News