Proposed Requirement for Personal Cars to Install Dashboard Cameras Similar to Commercial Vehicles

If this proposal is approved and becomes law, approximately 4 million private cars in Vietnam will be required to install tracking devices, data collection devices, and driver image recording.


Under the proposed fourth draft of the Road Traffic Order, the Ministry of Public Security has suggested that motor vehicles and specialized motorcycles participating in traffic must have a journey monitoring device, a data collection device, images of the driver, data, and images to ensure travel safety (dashcam). In other words, not only commercial vehicles but also personal cars may also be required to install dashcams.

According to the current regulations, which will be applied from July 1, 2023, only commercial vehicles are required to install journey monitoring devices. Among them, only vehicles carrying passengers or heavy goods (tractors, containers) are required to install dashcams.

The current regulations also require transportation companies to transmit data from journey monitoring devices and dashcams on their vehicles to the Vietnam Road Administration’s software system to serve state management work.

If the above proposal is approved and becomes law, about 4 million personal cars in Vietnam will be required to install journey monitoring devices. In addition, if the proposal is approved, the Department of Transport in conjunction with the Traffic Police will share journey monitoring data to serve inspection, examination, violation handling, and “cold fines”.

According to representatives of the Traffic Management, Vehicle, and Driver Management Division (Vietnam Road Administration), Department of Transport is facing difficulties in managing the activities of ride-sharing, shared vehicles, and transfer vehicles. These vehicles are disguised as personal cars, not registered for transportation business, and do not change to yellow license plates, making it difficult to manage, inspect, and handle violations…

Dashcams are now a familiar device for car users in Vietnam. Although there are no regulations on this, many car owners have proactively installed dashcams in their cars to monitor and record images of their vehicles during operation or when parked. However, the data recorded by dashcams are personal property, and car owners are not currently obligated to share them with others.