Marvel at a man’s antique car collection in Hanoi: A wide range of famous vintage cars, some dating back centuries

The deep love for vintage motorcycles has driven Bui Van Cuong (from Hoang Mai district, Hanoi) to passionately collect and restore hundreds of these vehicles.



Mr. Bui Van Cuong (33 years old, Hoang Mai district) has spent 10 years collecting vintage motorcycles. Some of these motorcycles have been around for a century.


Currently, Mr. Cuong’s house in Hoang Mai district is home to hundreds of vintage motorcycles, inside and outside. These motorcycles are usually from famous brands such as Vespa, Suzuki, Simson, Peugeot,…


This place has also become a vintage motorcycle club, welcoming all friends who share the same passion for vintage motorcycles in Hanoi.


Speaking to reporters, Mr. Cuong said: “When I was a child, I used to go with my father to collect antiques, and among them, vintage motorcycles attracted me. Since then, I have started to collect vintage motorcycles. My wife knows that I like vintage motorcycles and supports me, sometimes I buy a certain model just because my wife likes it.”


In the early days of playing with motorcycles, Mr. Cuong encountered many difficulties. Because they are very old motorcycles, finding spare parts is very difficult, not to mention the high prices. Or sometimes it takes a lot of time for Mr. Cuong to wait for the owner to agree to sell, …


Starting from these difficulties, up to the present time, Mr. Cuong has learned a lot, gained experience, and has become more mature in pursuing his passion.


In Mr. Cuong’s collection, the most nostalgic motorcycle is the Simson from Germany. For him, the motorcycle is associated with childhood memories of sitting on the fuel tank, being taken by his father everywhere.


Mr. Cuong believes that each motorcycle brand has its own beauty. “The Simson motorcycles from Germany have a very smooth suspension, the Minsk motorcycles from the Soviet Union are tall, the Vespa from Italy is very stylish, with many graceful curves”. He also proudly stated that 80% of the motorcycles in his house can still run normally.


In particular, the “oldest” vehicle in Mr. Cuong’s collection is not a motorcycle, but a rickshaw. This is a milestone marking the journey of pursuing his passion by Mr. Cuong.


This vehicle has many sophisticated patterns and details. It is known that Mr. Cuong had to disassemble the entire rickshaw to be able to transport it from Thailand, then he spent a lot of time and effort to reassemble it to its original condition. As of now, this vehicle is over 100 years old.


Being attached to motorcycles, Mr. Cuong often spends hours cleaning, repairing,… to “revive” old and worn motorcycles to their original condition.


In addition, he also cleans and takes care of the motorcycles on display in his house. For him, although the material value is not too high, it is his passion.


Currently, Mr. Cuong collects motorcycles and sells them to enthusiasts. The cheapest motorcycle is only 8 million VND and the most expensive is the Jawa 350 with a price of over 200 million VND.