Do not enter the Certificate of Registration serial number on the TTDK application, your appointment will be cancelled.

The purpose of this job is to reduce the number of virtual bookings taking place on the online vehicle inspection appointment system, which is affecting the vehicle owners who need to get their vehicles inspected for real.


According to the application management team of the Vietnam Register, starting from today, May 17, 2023, if customers do not update the serial number of the Vehicle Registration Certificate according to the license plate number, their vehicle inspection appointments may be canceled. The purpose of this action is to limit the number of fake appointments that are happening on the online vehicle inspection booking system, which is affecting vehicle owners who need to take their vehicles for genuine inspections.

Prior to this, the management team had already notified users about the requirement to update the serial number of the Vehicle Registration Certificate for vehicles that the account holder has registered on the VRA application. To update this serial number, customers just need to access the application on their phone or the VRA website, select “Edit Vehicle” in the “Vehicle List” section. The serial number of the Vehicle Registration Certificate is mandatory to enter and it must match the vehicle’s license plate number.

According to the Vietnam Register, this action is necessary to help customers ensure the accuracy of their vehicle information, to prevent appointment cancellations and fake bookings in the future.

In addition, the VRA application also warns against making appointments through intermediaries. According to the application, making appointments through intermediaries will seriously affect both users and the inspection activities at the centers.

The system has detected fake appointments made through intermediaries. To address this problem, the system will immediately cancel appointments when it detects the purchase of “slots” or the inspection of vehicles on behalf of others through intermediaries.

For users who already have vehicle inspection appointments, if they want to make appointments at a different station or get their vehicle inspected at a different station, the VRA application advises them to cancel their previous appointments to make room for others. Furthermore, vehicle owners who have successfully made appointments and passed the inspection are recommended to use the confirmation feature in the application to notify the system and make room for other vehicle owners to make appointments.

The Vietnam Register stated that inspection centers across the country have already implemented the use of the VRA application to receive vehicle inspection appointments from the public. Vehicle owners are getting more familiar with the online inspection booking process. However, there are still cases of exploitation and taking advantage of the overload in the inspection of motor vehicles, along with the desire to quickly get their vehicles inspected in order to exploit the situation, causing fake bookings and taking up slots that should be allocated to vehicles that are nearing their inspection deadlines.

For vehicles that have expired or are about to expire their inspection dates, the system will automatically prioritize scheduling at the inspection centers. Vehicles with expiration dates that are still far away (more than 10 days) are encouraged by the Vietnam Register to choose inspection dates that are closer to their expiration dates.

Currently, the Vietnam Register is continuing to coordinate with relevant agencies and units to restore the operations of the inspection centers and the inspection process in order to improve the capacity to serve the inspection of motor vehicles for the public.