Improving Car Quality with Google Glass

Bravian automaker has recently unveiled its plan to enhance the quality of cars by incorporating the innovative Google Glass technology. This smart eyewear is expected to revolutionize the driving experience by providing useful features and functionalities.


BMW has started to implement this pilot project to test the feasibility of technology that can improve the quality of the company’s cars.

BMW improves car quality with Google Glass google-glass (2).jpgGoogle Glass will help BMW improve the quality of cars.

Currently, the project is being implemented at the Spartanburg plant and calls on all plant employees to wear Google Glass to record vehicle inspections. BMW said this is very useful because the images and videos stored in Google Glass can provide information that is “better, faster and more accurate through analysis and accuracy” of problems and deviations.

BMW explains further: “Previously, potential issues identified in vehicles were recorded in handwritten text. However, that issue is being eliminated by BMW.”

The German car brand also plans to add a feature in which Google Glass wearers can ask questions and there will be instant discussion answers.

BMW improves car quality with Google Glass google-glass (1).jpgEffectiveness has been seen in the testing process.

BMW demonstrates the useful technology in carrying out quality assurance checks in the final assembly stage. Specifically, normally, responsible staff have to carry out 10-25 individual checks and then move back and forth between new vehicles with final results. However, with Google Glass, employees can perform checks and sign off simply by voice command without having to leave their positions.

With this smart technology, BMW hopes to create the best products for consumers.

Xuan Loc (Auto Daily)