How much is the Mitsubishi Xpander 2020 with the “unique” license plate sold for by a car enthusiast, now?

Hearing the resale price of the 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander, first registered in 2021 with the lucky number plate 62A-222.222, could shock many as it is three times the price of a new car. Currently, it is uncertain whether anyone intends to buy this "quintuplet 2" plate car from Long An province, but previously, the seller of this vehicle revealed that they had to spend nearly 2 billion VND to own it.


Beautiful license plate cars like quads or quintuplets are always sold at a higher price than new cars, from several hundred million dong to billions of dong. In some cases, a brand new car bought for only a few hundred million dong, but the owner when registering for the first time luckily won the quintuplet license plate and was immediately asked to buy for 1 billion dong to over 2 billion dong, if anyone can loudly bid near 3 billion dong but can make a deal or not and the specific amount only the buyer and the seller know.

Mitsubishi Xpander 2020 with “quintuplet 2” license plate is for sale

Recently, on social media, there was a buzz about the sale of a 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander car, first registered in 2021, won the license plate number 62A-222.222 or also read as quintuplet 2, and counting the previous digit, this car’s license plate has up to 6 digits of 2, or known as “six of 2”.

Accordingly, the owner of the Mitsubishi Xpander car with the license plate number 62A-222.222 – Mr. N.T. Hai – wants to sell the car because of “money shortage” but the selling price is not “tight” at all.

Shocking price of the Mitsubishi Xpander 2020 car with the 62A-222.22 license plate

Because the 7-seater MPV car has all number 2 digits on its license plate, the selling price that Mr. Hai desires is 2.2 billion dong, while other sellers even give a beautiful number to be on par with the 62A-222.22 license plate of this 2020 Mitsubishi Xpander car.

Hearing the price of 2.2 billion dong, many netizens left comments with the general implication that the price is fake, although the car does have a beautiful license plate, reaching the selling price of 2.2 billion dong is something unimaginable, except for some wealthy person in Long An who has excess money, doesn’t care about the price, or the players with beautiful license plates determine the high price among themselves, but the money spent is only half. However, we still have to say that it’s a fair trade.

The resale price of the Mitsubishi Xpander car with the license plate number 62A-222.222 can make many people shocked because it is 3.36 times the price of a new car and equivalent to mid-range luxury cars such as Mercedes-Benz E-Class, Audi A4, BMW 5-Series… and many other hot 7-seater SUVs.

How much does this player buy back the Mitsubishi Xpander 2020 car? How is the price of the Mitsubishi Xpander car with the quintuplet 2 license plate?

Currently, it is not clear who intends to buy back this “quintuplet 2” car of Long An province or not, but before that, the person who is selling the Mitsubishi Xpander car with the license plate number 62A-222.222 once shared that he had to spend nearly 2 billion dong to own it. Meanwhile, the price of the Mitsubishi Xpander car with automatic transmission including wheel rolling costs in Long An is only nearly 665 million dong.

3 years ago, someone after luckily won the license plate number 65A-222.22 when registering for the Mitsubishi Xpander car decided to resell it for only 1.4 billion dong after experiencing the beautiful license plate for 3 months with the new odometer reading 500 km.

What does the quintuplet 2 license plate mean?

According to the thinking of many people, the number 2 is a symbol of being a pair (harmony), a number of happiness, togetherness. Besides, the number 2 is also called forever, meaning the owner of the quintuplet 2 license plate always has warmth and endless luck, your career always stands firm, develops even with ups and downs, difficulties do not cause lapse or influence.

The quintuplet 2 license plate is considered as a year-round fortune and happiness, abundant health. Therefore, many people love the quintuplet 2 license plate.