Proposal for Individual Vehicle Owners to Print their Own Inspection Extension Certificates

The Vietnam Register proposes building a technology system that allows vehicle owners who are due for inspection to self-print their extended inspection confirmation papers.


The Vietnam Register has recently sent a document to the Ministry of Transport proposing to allow private vehicles under 9 seats to be automatically extended their inspection period without having to go to a register unit. The Vietnam Register also coordinates with the Traffic Police Department, the Ministry of Public Security, to unify the plan to automatically extend the Certificate of Registration and Inspection Stickers for vehicles under 9 seats that do not operate in transport according to the new inspection cycle specified in Circular No. 02/2023 of the Ministry of Transport.

According to Circular No. 2/2023 of the Ministry of Transport, vehicles carrying under 9 seats that do not operate in transport are exempted from inspection for 36 months for vehicles manufactured within 7 years (previously 30 months), the periodic inspection cycle is 24 months (an increase of 6 months compared to before); vehicles manufactured from 7 to 20 years (previously 12 years) have a periodic cycle of 12 months; vehicles over 20 years have a 6-month cycle. Vehicle owners must take their vehicles for inspection before confirming the new inspection cycle.

Under this plan, the Vietnam Register will develop software for owners to use the inspection application to print a confirmation of the automatic inspection extension without having to go to the inspection center to request reissuance of the Certificate of Registration or Inspection Stickers. When the vehicles are checked by the traffic police on the road, they only need to present this confirmation to prove that the vehicles meet the technical safety and environmental protection requirements for circulation.

To implement this proposal, based on the agreement with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport will propose to the Ministry of Justice and the Government for permission to continue amending and supplementing Circular No. 16/2021 of the Minister of Transport’s regulation on technical safety inspection and environmental protection of road motor vehicles according to the sequence, streamlined procedures.

Explaining this proposal, the leaders of the Vietnam Register said that vehicles under 9 seats that do not operate in transport are privately owned, not heavily used, and are regularly maintained and repaired. Therefore, most of these vehicles do not need to be reinspected before the extension period while still ensuring the requirements for technical safety and environmental protection for vehicles.

Meanwhile, the number of privately owned vehicles under 9 seats due for inspection each month currently accounts for about 33-43% of the total number of vehicles due for inspection. If these vehicles apply the inspection cycle immediately, without having to go to inspection centers, there will be an immediate reduction in workload for the inspection units. From there, it contributes to reducing overload for the inspection centers and creating maximum convenience for the people and businesses.

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