Auction Replay: License Plate 98A-666.66 Sells for 3.045 Billion VND, Down 30 Million VND from Initial Auction

The license plate with the unique number "98A" from Bac Giang province was sold for a record-breaking bid of 3,075 billion VND in the initial auction. In a subsequent auction, this license plate was successfully sold for an impressive price of 3,045 billion VND.


During the car license plate auction on November 3, 2023, all eyes were on the VIP license plate of Bac Giang province, which is the plate number 98A-666.66, because many tycoons were willing to spend billions to own this unique plate.

Indeed, on a day of license plate auction, the winning bids ranged from a few million VND to over a hundred million VND, but the presence of the 98A-666.66 license plate added more excitement to the auction. Specifically, within minutes of the auction, the 98A-666.66 license plate attracted thousands of interested people, but only a few of them bid for the plate.

After an hour of bidding, the license plate 98A-666.66 finally reached the highest price of 3.045 billion VND, equivalent to the price of mid-range luxury sedans and some luxury SUVs.

It is known that this is the reauction of the license plate 98A-666.66, because in the first auction on September 15, a tycoon bid 3.075 billion VND for the plate, but when it came time to pay, this person changed his mind and accepted to forfeit the 40 million VND deposit. Therefore, in this reauction, the price of the license plate 98A-666.66 decreased by 30 million VND.

According to regulations, the winner of the car license plate auction 98A-666.66 must pay the full winning bid amount within 15 days from the date of announcement of the result. This amount is deducted from the pre-deposit amount of 40 million VND, but does not include the vehicle registration fee, so the winner must pay 3.005 billion VND.

After that, within 12 months, the winner of the license plate auction 30K-555.55 must register this plate for the car. If the registration is delayed, this beautiful license plate will be transferred to the registration and vehicle management system, and the winning bidder will not be refunded the bid amount of 3.045 billion VND.

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