Feng Shui Tips for Choosing Your Perfect Car

Do you comprehend the crucial aspect of Feng Shui when purchasing a car? Apart from design, engine, and safety system, Feng Shui also holds significant importance.


Automobiles are valuable assets not only accompanying drivers on the roads but also directly affecting the safety of vehicle owners. Feng shui experts recommend that in addition to selecting a favorable color for the car and using suitable decorations, owners should also pay attention to other factors such as choosing a car according to feng shui, checking the feng shui of the license plate number, and choosing an auspicious day to buy a car, all in order to attract more luck and prosperity.

All of these tips will be fully covered in the article about choosing a car according to feng shui below, so make sure to read it with reference to TINXE.VN.

How to Choose the Car Color According to Feng Shui?

To select the right color for your car based on feng shui principles, you need to know your zodiac sign. Feng shui studies show that the world is always dynamic, moving according to the theory of mutual support and mutual restraint of the five elements, which include Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

The five elements cyclically transform in a relationship of mutual support as follows: Water nurtures Wood, Wood nurtures Fire, Fire nurtures Earth, Earth nurtures Metal, and Metal nurtures Water. Each element also corresponds to certain colors:

Water (color of water): Ocean blue, black; Wood (color of wood): Green; Fire (color of fire): Red, pink, purple, orange; Earth (color of earth): Brown, earth yellow, earth orange; Metal (color of metal): White, metallic sheen.

The colors in feng shui also change to balance the two sources of yin and yang and create harmony in life. Therefore, choosing the right color for your car according to feng shui is essential and should not be overlooked.

A table of cyclically changing colors according to feng shui.

Colors suitable for Metal zodiac signs

The colors that go well with this zodiac sign are white, silver with a metallic sheen, and brown and earth brown (corresponding to Wood, as Wood nurtures Metal). People with the Metal zodiac sign should avoid red and pink colors when buying a car.

Colors suitable for Wood zodiac signs

Green and leaf green are the best colors for people with the Wood zodiac sign. However, they should avoid bright colors like white, silver, and metallic colors because Wood restrains Metal.

Colors suitable for Water zodiac signs

Black, the color of the ocean, and gray are the best colors for people with the Water zodiac sign. They can also choose white, silver, and grayish colors (corresponding to the Metal zodiac sign) as they are nurturing elements. But they should avoid colors of the Fire zodiac sign (red, orange, purple) and Earth zodiac sign (earth brown, yellow).

Colors suitable for Fire zodiac signs

Shades of pink, red, purple, and green go well with the Fire zodiac signs as they are harmonious and compatible with Fire. People with this zodiac sign should avoid dark blue and black colors, as Fire restrains Metal.

Colors suitable for Earth zodiac signs

Yellow, red, earth brown, earthy colors, black, and gray are the best colors for people with the Earth zodiac sign. They should avoid green colors to avoid bad luck.

Choosing between feng shui-compliant colors and personal preferences can be challenging for car owners. Sometimes, choosing a color that is compatible with your destiny and age may not align with your personal taste. It’s important to carefully consider this issue when choosing a car color.

Choosing a car color according to feng shui brings luck and peace.

How to Choose an Auspicious Day to Buy a Car, Make a Deposit, and Take Delivery?

Choosing an auspicious day to buy a car and take delivery is crucial. According to feng shui, selecting an auspicious day, and even an auspicious time for deposit and delivery can attract luck and ensure safe and convenient transportation, especially when the car is related to work or business.

Choosing an auspicious day to buy a car has significant spiritual meaning. It demonstrates careful and thoughtful decision-making, contributing to a positive atmosphere and attracting good fortune.

To choose a good day to buy a car, you need to know your zodiac sign and birth year to determine the best time of the day to take delivery of the car and pray for peace and good luck when bringing it home.

Researching carefully to avoid conflicting days with your age is important in order to minimize risks and unexpected events during car usage.

What Constitutes an Auspicious License Plate Number for a Car?

In feng shui, an auspicious license plate number is one that combines yin and yang and the five elements in a logically arranged manner. A forward-facing license plate number symbolizes completion and auspiciousness.

Asians, including Vietnamese people, place a high value on auspicious license plate numbers. Understanding the feng shui of a car license plate number helps attract good luck and avoid bad luck. Each number holds its own meaning, such as “Quadruplets” for the best, “Full of prosperity” for the second-best, and so on.

Below is the meaning of each number as a reference when choosing a license plate number:

An auspicious license plate number.

Meaning of Each Number

In feng shui, numbers from 1 to 9 hold different meanings:

Number 1 – “Nh?t”, symbolizes standing first, solidity, uniqueness.

Number 2 – “Mãi”, meaning lasting, forever.

Number 3 – “Tài”, implies wealth.

Number 4 – “T?”, many people avoid this number as it symbolizes death.

Number 5 – “Ngu” means the Five Elements, mysterious elements.

Number 6 – “L?c”, implies fortune.

Number 7 – “Th?t”, meaning loss.

Number 8 – “Phát”, symbolizes wealth and development.

Number 9 – “Th?a”, implies longevity.

These numbers hold different interpretations depending on their placement in the license plate. For example, numbers 4 and 7 are generally avoided as they have negative connotations. However, when these numbers are combined with 0 at the front, they can have a different meaning. Additionally, certain number pairs are considered unlucky, such as 49 and 53. It’s important to avoid numbers that carry negative connotations and choose numbers that align with positivity and good fortune.

Why Is It Necessary to Bless a New Car?

Blessing a new car is a way to pray for peace and good luck and to avoid risks and misfortunes during transportation. It is also a way to show gratitude to the gods and ancestors, seeking their protection for the family’s business and blessings and luck in life. As a ritual deeply rooted in Vietnamese culture, blessing a new car is an almost inevitable procedure when purchasing a car.

Cars, like houses, are significant assets related to business and careers that accompany their owners for a long time. Blessing a new car after purchasing it is like offering a gift to ancestors, acknowledging their presence, and seeking their protection for smoothness and good fortune in life.

While a blessing ceremony is important, it should not be confused with worship or superstition. Safe and secure driving practices and a good understanding of traffic regulations are crucial for a smooth and secure driving experience.

Necessary Offerings for a Car Blessing

When holding a car blessing ceremony, it is customary to prepare the necessary offerings, demonstrating sincerity. The offerings may vary depending on regional customs, but the following may be considered:

– 1 flower vase 

– 1 plate of fruits

– 1 plate of savory food (roast meat, boiled meat, boiled rooster…) or 1 plate of vegetarian food (if you follow Buddhism, …)

– 1 stack of gold banknotes (the more the better)

– 1 plate of salted rice (large salt grains)

– 3 or 5 cups of wine

– 3 or 5 cups of tea

– 1 cup of filtered water

– 3 incense sticks

– 2 red candles

Indoor or Outdoor Blessing?

Traditionally, car blessing ceremonies are held outdoors. However, if there are special circumstances and an outdoor ceremony is not convenient, the ceremony can be conducted indoors.

How to Conduct a Car Blessing Ceremony

A feng shui blessing ceremony can follow written prayers or be improvised. Prayers according to established forms should adhere to religious customs. For improvised ceremonies, heartfelt prayers based on respect and sincerity are appropriate.

Which Feng Shui Items Suit Each Zodiac Sign?

Each feng shui item has its own meaning and is suitable for specific zodiac signs based on the five elements. However, not every item brings luck and prosperity, so choosing feng shui items for a car requires careful consideration. First, determine your zodiac sign, and then choose items that align with feng shui principles:

Feng shui items for the Water zodiac sign: White, black, or blue quartz, as well as items made of metal, glass, or crystal, are suitable. People with the Water zodiac sign can also have a few water bottles in the car for drinking and to enhance the car’s feng shui.

Feng shui items for the Wood zodiac sign: Wood zodiac signs should choose decorative items made of wood. Statues of Buddha, such as the Statue of the God of Wealth, the Statue of Guanyin, Maitreya Buddha in green, Laughing Buddha, bronze coins, etc., are all beneficial for people with a Wood zodiac sign.

Feng shui items for the Fire zodiac sign: Items made of activated carbon, wood, and stone are suitable. It’s best to avoid items made of metal, glass, or glassware.

Feng shui items for the Earth zodiac sign: Avoid items with a Wood nature, such as wood or rattan. Instead, choose items that represent earth and light, like hanging decorations and decorations made of natural stone.

Feng shui items for the Metal zodiac sign: Metal zodiac signs can choose items made of metal, quartz, crystal balls, glass, and should avoid items made of plastic.

According to feng shui principles, statues of Buddha such as Laughing Buddha, Guanyin, Kylin, and phoenix bring fortune, wealth, and blessings. These statues are generally suitable for most zodiac signs, so car owners can confidently place them in their beloved cars. Additionally, placing the statue of the corresponding zodiac animal according to the year of birth is also beneficial for feng shui. However, car owners should avoid choosing animal statues that match their own zodiac sign, such as Tiger for Tiger sign, Goat for Goat sign, etc.

Many car owners prefer unique and bold decorative items that resemble fierce animals like tigers, lions, snakes, and crocodiles. However, according to feng shui principles, these animals have imbalanced natures and may cause stress for car owners.

References: TINXE.VN