As we enter the summer season, the scorching heat is making us uncomfortable. It not only affects our mood and health, but also has a negative impact on motorcycles, which are the main mode of transportation in Vietnam. Let’s explore how the hot weather affects motorcycles and scooters on
Motorcycles and scooters are affected by the hot weather
Motorcycle and scooter bodywork are affected by the hot weather
Just like humans, motorcycles and scooters have an outer layer that can be compared to skin. When this layer is exposed to direct sunlight for a long period of time, it can cause various issues.
The motorcycle and scooter bodywork deteriorates quickly under the hot weather
Even though this “skin” has multiple layers of paint, it will fade, deteriorate, and even become brittle in certain areas when exposed to the sun for a long time. Additionally, some people make the mistake of spraying cold water on the hot vehicle, causing the paint to crack.
Hot weather can cause tire explosions and cracks
During extreme hot weather, the asphalt absorbs a large amount of sunlight, making it one of the hottest places. This is where the tires of motorcycles and scooters come in direct contact. If the tires are old or overinflated, they are more likely to explode or crack due to the high temperature.
Tires are more worn out and prone to damage under the hot weather
Therefore, during the intense heat, motorcycle and scooter owners should pay attention to the tire pressure and slightly reduce it by 0.5 PSI compared to normal inflation to ensure the durability of the tires.
Extended exposure to the sun can cause electrical issues
Under the scorching heat, motorcycles and large scooters can “go crazy” or catch fire when exposed to the sun for too long.
Motorcycles and scooters can experience electrical failures when exposed to prolonged heat
Due to the hot weather, motorcycles and scooters are equipped with an ECU (Integrated Circuit) and various sensors and cables that are located inside the vehicle. When these vehicles are left in the sun and exposed to high temperatures, it can damage the rubber-coated wires and overheat the ECU. This can result in blown fuses and electrical malfunctions.
Hot weather can cause engine damage
We often witness motorcycles emitting smoke or stalling in the middle of the road during hot weather. This is a result of the engine overheating, which can cause serious damage and expensive repairs.
Motorcycles can suffer severe damage when the engine overheats
The “internal organs” of motorcycles and scooters refer to the components inside the engine. They have to operate under high temperatures, especially when the owners neglect regular maintenance. The excessive heat can damage various engine parts, such as the connecting rod, piston, and camshaft.
In summary, the hot weather not only affects humans but also has a negative impact on motorcycles and scooters. To ensure the safety and durability of these vehicles, owners should regularly maintain and take care of their motorcycles, especially during the scorching summer season.