In 2016, Bugatti unveiled the successor to its legendary Veyron: the Chiron. With only 500 units produced globally, the Chiron quickly established itself as a megacar icon, renowned for its unparalleled speed and performance.
After an extraordinary 8-year journey, the final Bugatti Chiron has rolled off the production line. Named ‘L’Ultime’, this 500th edition is based on the ultimate speed version, the Chiron Super Sport, of which only 60 units exist worldwide.
This Chiron Super Sport ‘L’Ultime’ proudly showcases the magic of the Chiron lineage since its debut at the Geneva Motor Show eight years ago. The hand-written script on the body fades from ‘Atlantic Blue’ to ‘France Racing Blue’, highlighting the unique and distinctive paintwork of this masterpiece.
The Bugatti Chiron L’Ultime is an unequivocal tribute to the era-defining Chiron, marking a period of countless industry-first breakthroughs and unique global achievements. It also ushers in a new chapter of unparalleled performance, luxury, and artisanal craftsmanship.
While some Vietnamese enthusiasts and importers had plans to bring the Chiron to Vietnam, those efforts were ultimately unsuccessful. With the final Chiron rolling out of the factory in France, the opportunity for direct purchases from the manufacturer has ended, and any future acquisitions would have to come from resellers or showrooms worldwide.