A car driving test will consist of 4 exams: Theoretical exam; Software simulation of traffic situations exam; Practical driving exam in the shape; Practical driving exam on the road.

In order to be issued a driver’s license, you must pass these exams.

If you fail the theory exam, you will not be able to take the driving test using software simulation. If you fail the software simulation exam, you will not be able to take the practical driving test in the shape. If you fail the practical driving test in the shape, you will not be able to take the on-road driving test.

For the theory exam, if the student fails this part, they will not be allowed to take the subsequent practical exams. The student must register to retake the exam, and there is no limit on the number of retakes for the theory exam. The result of the theory exam will be valid for 1 year (counted from the exam date).

In case the student fails the practical exams (simulation, shape, road), they can still register to retake the exams. In the first retake, only the practical exam needs to be retaken. However, if they fail again, they will have to retake both the theory and practical exams.

Retake fees will be as follows:

Theory retake: 100,000 VND per retake

Simulation retake: 100,000 VND per retake

Shape practical retake: 350,000 VND per retake

On-road practical retake: 80,000 VND per retake

Driver’s license issuance fee: 135,000 VND.

TH (Tuoitrethudo)

Photo: Internet

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