Customer can buy Ferrari with Bitcoin and some other cryptocurrencies
Most well-known companies around the world do not use cryptocurrency for payment or transaction when buying their products. The reason is that virtual currency is considered a speculative asset with high risks.
Mazda to introduce new car model with illuminated logo and electric engine
At the upcoming Japan Auto Show 2023, Mazda will unveil a preview of its brand-new fully electric sports car model.
JAECOO Unveils J7 Edition – The Ultimate Off-Road Adventure Vehicle
On October 15th, the grand opening of the "JAECOO Product Exhibition" took place in Vu Ho, China.
Hyundai Introduces Stealth-capable Unmanned Tank
Not only is Hyundai one of the leading car manufacturers in the world, but it is also widely recognized for its expertise in weapons manufacturing and military vehicles.
Toyota brings back the Previa minivan: Electric drivetrain and Alphard segment.
According to several sources, Toyota may reintroduce the Previa minivan model to the market in the near future.
[CAR REVIEW] Upcoming launch of Peugeot 408 in Vietnam: Stunning design, surprising driving experience!
Emerging from the concept of "beautifully horrifying," the Peugeot 408 asserts itself as a fully capable crossover with impressive performance. Prior to its launch in Vietnam, let's take a look at how foreign experts evaluate this model.
Official Handover of the first Pagani Utopia, the “Wind God” Huayra’s Successor, to Customers
Introducing the Pagani Utopia, the million-dollar supercar that has been eagerly awaited since September 2022. Finally, the first model has been officially delivered to its lucky owner.
Kia EV6 introduces Light Long Range edition with 500 km of driving range on...
The latest addition to the Kia EV6 lineup is the Light Long Range model, joining the existing Light and Wind variants.
Sonata – Hyundai’s Global Brand Expanding Car Model
With 30 years of history and 7.3 million cars sold to consumers, Sonata has become Hyundai's best-selling mid-size sedan, bringing the brand's name to more consumers worldwide.
Simson and the Glorious Vintage Motorcycles
Simson is an iconic motorcycle that many young generations in Vietnam in the 80s and 90s dreamed of owning. During that time, almost everyone knew the name Simson, but not many understood its origins and the multiple generations of this bike.