Restored Ferrari Supercar: Every Nut and Bolt in Perfect Condition After 14-Month Overhaul

The Ferrari 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione had a turbulent history before undergoing a comprehensive restoration for 14 months.


The Classic department of Ferrari, called Classiche, has just delivered a 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione to its customer after a complete restoration process that lasted for 14 months. According to Ferrari, the 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione supercar was restored down to the last bolt and screw at the company’s factory in Italy. Some rumors suggest that Ferrari is currently seeking certification for the originality of the car after the restoration process.


This supercar, with the chassis number 2321GT, has had a turbulent history. It seems that it was owned by Tiziano Carugati, a Swiss collector and car dealer. The vehicle was initially transferred from the Ferrari factory to Italian driver Dorio Serafini on February 2, 1961. In 1964, the car changed hands again, this time to a Frenchman named René Richard. Unfortunately, upon receiving the Ferrari 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione, Richard immediately had an accident. He then hired Lucien Bianchi to repair the bodywork and sold the car to Jacques Pollet within the same year. This is when the troubles began.

Pollet used the Ferrari 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione until 1977 and reported that the car was mysteriously stolen. Eventually, the car was found, and a detailed investigation was carried out by his insurance company. In the end, Pollet was discovered to have committed insurance fraud. However, the exact circumstances of the fraud have yet to be clarified.

Once again, the car changed hands after an auction. In 1985, the Ferrari 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione was involved in an accident. By 1990, the car bid farewell to its original engine. Seven years later, the original chassis and engine were reunited. Since then, the car has participated in numerous Tour Auto events. At this point, it seems that the Swiss collector has purchased the car and wants to verify the origin of the engine and chassis.

Prior to restoration, the Ferrari 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione was painted yellow and had a brown interior. Afterward, the car was repainted silver while keeping the interior color unchanged.

The total cost of fully restoring the Ferrari 250 GT SWB Berlinetta Competizione is currently unknown. However, it can be predicted that the amount of money required to bring the car back to its original form is not insignificant.

Ngọc Hòa – Referring to GTSpirit